Thank you Southwest Dairy for visiting our students today.
about 2 years ago, Misty Chestnut
Basketball tournament
about 2 years ago, Misty Chestnut
Thanksgiving Break November 21-25
about 2 years ago, Misty Chestnut
Thanksgiving Break
Veterans Day Assembly is Thursday at 9:00.
about 2 years ago, Misty Chestnut
Veterans Day Assembly
about 2 years ago, Misty Chestnut
about 2 years ago, Misty Chestnut
Mrs. Kinnin needs 38.00 for her donors choose project to be funded!!!
about 2 years ago, Misty Chestnut
We will have one bus route today. The bus route will start at three. Thank you for your help!
about 2 years ago, Misty Chestnut
Menu change for tomorrow Tuesday-Chicken Nachos Wednesday-Hotdogs
about 2 years ago, Misty Chestnut
Baskets are ready to be raffled off!!! See an Oak Grove student to buy a raffle ticket. Tickets went home on Thursday. All donations go back to the classroom! Thank you Sarah Mattox and all of our parents for making this happen.
about 2 years ago, Misty Chestnut
Around the continent of Europe you’ll find some interesting dishes! 7th graders explored different countries in Europe and brought a variety of dishes to taste with their geography class!
about 2 years ago, Misty Chestnut
Lunch bills went home today. Please pay them asap! Thanks!
about 2 years ago, Misty Chestnut
Thursday at 1:30, we will have our Halloween Parade. Students may dress up, but please be school appropriate and age appropriate (no scary or bloody costumes). We will have our class parties at 2:00. Please contact your teacher or homeroom mom with any questions.
about 2 years ago, Misty Chestnut
Good Morning, For basketball games, please remind players to sit with their team in the bleachers. Please remind them to be respectful of the crowd around them. If a parent attends the ballgame, the player must ride home with the parent and not the bus. Thanks for your help making a great season.
about 2 years ago, Misty Chestnut
Red Ribbon Week-Sponsored by Student Council Tuesday-Give Drugs the Boot Wear Western Wear and your red ribbon
about 2 years ago, Misty Chestnut
Today only(so far) Basketball game has been moved to Morrison. Buses are leaving at 5:45. Kids can be here at 5:30.
about 2 years ago, Misty Chestnut
Let’s see those pics from last night! Great job Community Club, parents, and teachers! Special thanks to Sarah Mattox! What a great night.
about 2 years ago, Misty Chestnut
8th grader auction items!
about 2 years ago, Misty Chestnut
auction 1
auction 2
auction 3
Just some of the bingo prizes that our community has donated for tonight! We have amazing supporters of our school! It is $1.00 a game. See you at 6!
about 2 years ago, Misty Chestnut
bingo prizes
Come dunk these teachers tomorrow at the Fall Festival. 10.00 gets you an automatic dunk!
about 2 years ago, Misty Chestnut
dunk tank