Here is the track schedule for this year.

Dress up days for Read Across America Week! 🎉🥳📚

🚨 We Need Your Input! 🚨
Payne County, in collaboration with local cities, towns, and public schools, is updating the Payne County Hazard Mitigation Action Plan (HMAP). This plan helps minimize long-term risks to life and property from hazards affecting our area.
📢 Your voice matters! We invite you to complete a short survey to share your concerns and insights. Your input will guide our efforts in making Payne County safer.
Together, we can build a more resilient community! #PayneCounty #HazardMitigation #CommunitySafety

Just a friendly reminder that there will be no school on Friday, January 17th, and Monday, January 20th. Enjoy the long 4-day weekend!

The 8th grade class participating in Central Techs Pre-Ets classes with Mr. Cody Bowman learning about the basic usage of hand tools!

The Fall Festival will be held on Nov. 12th. from 6 to 8 pm. We are asking that PK-4th to bring a box of snack cakes and 6 cans of pop, or send $5. 5th-7th bring 6 Full-size candy bars and 6 cans of pop, or send $5. We are needing these items by Friday. Thanks for your support.

Red Ribbon Week Dress Up Days:
Monday: We are red-y to be drug free - Wear Red.
Tuesday: Pair up against drugs - Twin Day.
Wednesday: Our future is too bright for drugs - Wear Neon.
Thursday: Scare drugs away - Wear your Halloween Costume.
Friday: Lay off of drugs - Wear Pajamas.

Parent teacher conferences are next week on Monday and Tuesday evening. Sign up times/schedules for conferences are being put out through Rooms. Please make sure that you have signed up for a conference. Give us a call if you have any questions or are still having trouble with Rooms. Thank you.

Reminder: Community Club meeting today at 5:00 in the school cafeteria.

Community Club Meeting on Monday the 7th at 5:00. We'll brainstorm ideas for our annual Fall Festival on November 12th. We'll discuss responsibilities of each class for the festival and many other things. We appreciate everyone's help making this years festival a big success. Thank you:)

You can now pay your lunch bill online! I have attached a link with directions for how to make an online payment. If you have any questions/problems please give us a call. Thank you. https://commongoalsystems.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/4411847409933-How-does-a-parent-make-an-online-payment

REMINDER: The Book Fair kicks off tomorrow morning with Muffins and Munchkins! Doors will open at 7:20.

The Book Fair starts Monday and to kick it off we will have Muffins and Munchkins starting at 7:20. Hope to see you there!

See you at The Pole tomorrow morning at 7:40. Hope to see you there!

Community Club meeting for tonight has been cancelled.

To our students and families, great job completing your Book Blast Treasure Maps and enjoy your fun prizes! We will celebrate soon with all the books heading our way. Jump for joy and get ready for book delivery day! Contributions will be accepted through Sunday. To help all students at the school, make a school-wide contribution.
#bookblast #bookblastadventures #letsread

Time is ticking to earn our students more books! You can contribute through the invitation from your favorite student or make a school-wide contribution through Sunday night.
Don't forget! When you register and send 10+ invitations, it helps classroom teachers earn shopping sprees for classroom supplies or books. Thanks for supporting our teachers!

We hope to see everyone on Monday the 30th for Muffins with Munchkins to kick off our annual fall Book Fair!! Breakfast will begin at 7:20 am.

Attention Book Blaster families! We have only a few days left! Now is the time to contribute through the invitation from your favorite student or to make a school-wide contribution. You have until Sunday night to contribute.
Thank you to everyone in our community and beyond that have contributed to our Book Blast event! Your support will help students take home as many books as possible, up to 10 each. In our quest to promote literacy and reading, every new book is like gold to be treasured!

Congratulations to our iPad winner Ellie Cooper! The Book Blast is going strong as we approach these last few days of the event. It’s not too late to complete your Treasure Map, earn your prizes, and help your child’s teacher earn a shopping spree to purchase books and supplies for the classroom! When 60% of the classroom students register and invite 10+ friends and family members, that teacher will earn a $100 shopping spree. If ALL the classroom students invite 10+ friends and family members, the teacher will earn a $200 shopping spree. Visit https://app.booksarefun.com/OakGrovePS74023 to participate!